How to take care of your SleekEZ
You bought your SleekEZ and now want to ensure that this amazing grooming brush will stay in its best condition.
We just have few tips for you, to ensure that your SleekEZ will be with you forever.
To keep SleekEZ blade in tip top condition, please follow those steps:
1. You will need white vinegar, container, coarse salt, and a hard brush
2. Dip your SleekEZ blade in the vinegar for 5 minutes
3. Put penty of coarse salt on the hard brush and clean your blade
4. Dry it with paper or material towel
To keep your wooden part of SleekEZ in tip top condition:
1. You will need Transparent Leather Cream or Shoe Polish, a soft brush, washing up liquid, olive oil, and cotton buds
2. Rinse your SleekEZ with water and wash it with washing up liquid and the soft brush. Rinse it off and dry it with a towel.
3. Polish your wooden part of SleekEZ with transparent cream
4. Dip cotton buds in olive oil and apply it up and down the blade
5. Leave SleekEZ to dry in the shade for as long as possible to ensure that all the good oils soak into it
6. Dry it with towel and use it again!
To help you remember all those steps, we have a video for you below. Enjoy your SleekEZ!
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