We did it !! - blog by Jamie Broom


Tigger and I did our first PSG!!

We chose to do our music first to give us both some confidence in the area at this level, it didn't really go to plan ! As I halted down the centre line I had a mind blank and had no idea where to go, so we had to make it up as we went along ! With quite a few people staying to watch the little black horses first PSG it wasn't the best time to have a complete mind blank but we got through it and had fun.

We have done 2 straight PSG and now have our qualification for winter regional's. Tigger has had the last couple of weeks off but is ready to do some work now.

Mr Q is coming along great it's lovely to feel the change in him over the last few weeks he has so much more confidence in what he is doing, Q is qualified for medium straights & Freestyle. He finds the music so exciting which is lovely for us as he is so happy but we need to find the balance of him concentrating as well having so much fun !

Ziva & Stanly we have taken them away to a few shows for experience which has all been a positive experience for them and both have tried there hardest to listen away from home.

The one thing we have learnt is never to take them to a show together ! It was a disaster !

Stanly didn't know what to do with himself and Ziva well one comment from the side of the warm up was "stay away from that stallion" she curled herself into the tightest ball and pranced around the warm up ready to explode at any point.

December will be a hacking and light schooling month for them all with a couple of training sessions with Sara Jane Lanning.

January will be Regional prep training with Sara Jane every week and getting them out to a couple of shows ready for the Regionals.

Will update you soon.

Jamie x


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